Hermeus is a company that’s looking to radically accelerate air travel. For the past four years, they’ve been developing hypersonic vehicles and are coming up with concepts that make air travel between New York and London take around 90 minutes. To help accelerate the design process, they’re using Fidelity Pointwise.
Hermeus’ turbine-based combined cycle engine is their enabling technology. By leveraging both turbojet and ramjet engines, they’re able to cruise at up to Mach 5. They’re leveraging the latest and greatest in aerodynamic technology and are trying to extend that technology across the flight envelope to the point that they’re able to take off, cruise, and land effectively. Their inlet provides high-quality airflow to the engines, and that’s driving a lot of the performance and thrust of the engine. Being able to ensure that they have a good design and high-quality design is critical to what Hermeus is doing.
They’re using Cadence Fidelity Pointwise and leveraging the Flashpoint automeshing feature to generate high-quality surface and volume meshes quicker than ever.
James Shields, Senior Aerodynamics Engineer at Hermeus, said,
“We’re really excited to be working with the Cadence team and are thrilled to have them on board in getting Mach 5 to a reality. These vehicles wouldn’t happen without these high-fidelity solutions that we’re able to get, and it really helps us to have the support of the Cadence team.”
Contact us for more information at info@cfd-technologies.co.uk